It’s My Birthday and I’ll Cry if I Want To!!


Happy Birthday To Me!! I’m getting old guys. So…’s the deal. I was planning this huge giveaway for you. But, things didn’t exactly go as planned. Instead of me doing it today, I’ve decided to start it in a few weeks – hopefully Thanksgiving Day. So, if you would kindly head this way on that day, I’ll have it all set up. There will be two winners, and before you ask – YES, it’s INTERNATIONAL! You, my amazing readers, get to choose any book(s) you want, up to $20 via Book Depository. It will run from 11/26 to 12/15. That way, it can be a little Christmas gift for following me and being supportive to this blogging thing that has taken over my life. So, if would kindly stick around, I’d gladly appreciate it.

170641162-torta-de-cumpleanos-champan-copa-de-champan-fiesta-de-cumpleanosI’m not doing anything today for my cake day. I may go out to dinner and to a movie this weekend, if I feel up to it. A lot has been going on around here, especially emotionally. Nothing makes sense anymore, and I’m really just reading my butt off right now. So, It’s my birthday and I’m allowed to whine – just let me. Okay? So here’s to many more birthdays for me! The champagne is for you guys, but I’ll definitely take the cake. šŸ™‚

20 thoughts on “It’s My Birthday and I’ll Cry if I Want To!!

  1. happy Birthday dear, i hope you will find loved ones, books and things to make you happy on this day because even if life is hard at least on this day you deserves al the best ( and if you want to whine you can of course)

    thank you for thinking about us too but today is your day so enjoy your cake


  2. Happy birthday, you’re the best! Thanks for being such a dedicated blog follower! Very generous of you for this giveaway (and as you know from my almost a year of not posted how I know that life gets in the way)! Christina @ Ensconced in Lit


  3. I know you have been going through a hard time lately, and I sincerely am praying for you and hoping things are going to look up for you soon. It’s great that you are getting so much reading done though šŸ™‚ And even if you aren’t doing too much, I hope there is some happiness and enjoyment in your birthday ā¤ Happy birthday ā¤


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