Waiting on Wednesday #49 – A Conjuring of Light


Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases we are eagerly anticipating.

This Week I’m Waiting On……


29939230A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab

Publication: February 21st 2017

Publisher: Tor Books

Series: Shades of Magic #3

Genres: YA, Fantasy

The battle between four magical Londons comes to a head in this stunning finale to the New York Times bestselling Shades of Magic trilogy by rising star V. E. Schwab

London’s fall and kingdoms rise while darkness sweeps the Maresh Empire—and the fraught balance of magic blossoms into dangerous territory while heroes and foes struggle alike. The direct sequel to A Gathering of Shadows, and the final book in the Shades of Magic epic fantasy series, A Conjuring of Light sees Schwab reach a thrilling culmination concerning the fate of beloved protagonists—and old enemies.

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Why Am I Waiting?

I liked the first book, but I really loved the sequel; so of course I can’t wait to read this finale. After that ending in AGoS, I need this book now!! What book are you waiting on this week?

OAN: I’ve been a bad blogger. It’s not my fault, blame it on my illness. Seriously, I don’t even know WTF this is. I don’t even want to call it a blogging slump, because it’s pretty much the same in all other aspects of my life. I’m not deep in the darkness like I tend to get, but I’m just really….gooey? Even my co-workers have noticed my moods these past few weeks. I’m trying to get back on track, but I can’t promise that I’ll be all better. I truly think it’s just the time of year and all the other little things that are driving me insane. I will, however, be catching up on my Bloglovin’ feed and emails this weekend. I seriously don’t know how to catch up on my reviews because I have lost count of how many books I’ve read. There are many that I didn’t even add to my GR. It’s like someone has taken over my body, and I’m trying to take the wheel back. The homework (journal writing) has been helping so I’ll keep at it.


19 thoughts on “Waiting on Wednesday #49 – A Conjuring of Light

  1. I have to pass on all the Schwab books (not for me), but I hope you love this one! Also, I hope you get too feeling better. I’ve been all eh lately as well. Seems like a lot of us are. HUGS to you and get some relaxation when you can.❤️


  2. It makes a lot of sense that this is a book you’re going to want to read if you enjoyed the other ones so much! Don’t worry about catching up on reviews – when you do feel like reviewing, because you read so much, I’m sure there will be something else to review in its place. And as well as that, take your time to return to blogging. I do hope this in-between place your in is something you can escape from soon. Keep being strong girl, like I know you always are ❤


  3. This is THE book I’m most hardcore waiting for. Shades of Magic has been my favorite series I’ve read this year and I absolutely CANNOT wait for this one. It’s so hard to wait it hurts.

    I hope you feel better soon. I’m glad journaling is helping!


  4. I have missed seeing you around here. I was really glad to see the email alert about your post. I am so sorry to hear about your struggles and I do hope that the feeling goes away and you feel better soon. Take Care. Hugs ❤


  5. That is one series that got away from me and now it’s done so I have a prayer’s chance of catching up.

    Hard to know you are struggling, Lekeisha, even if it isn’t the deep, dark bad. Tough to shake the blues, but I’ll be cheering that you do. Oh and hey, I find if I set my e-reader to most recent for the organization I can see the order of the last books I had opened or downloaded. Maybe that will help if you read e-books.


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