Stacking The shelves #12

stacking the shelves

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews that spotlights the books we are adding to our shelves, whether they are virtual or physical. They can be purchased from a physical store, online, borrowed, checked-out from the library, etc…. It really doesn’t matter where they come from. Here are the books I’ve gotten this week…..


17371956 Bloodlight: The Apocalypse of Robert Goldner by Harambee K. Grey-Sun

This was an immediate download that I will hopefully read sometime soon.


20344702 Radiant (Towers Trilogy #1) by Karina Sumner-Smith

20697547 Get Happy by Mary Amato

I just joined Edelweiss and got these immediate downloads as I await approval for the titles that I requested.


6339664 Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

14999965 Linked by Imogen Howson

I’m actually reading these now since I’m not sure how long Pulse will have them available to read. 


15985355 Viral Nation by Shaunta Grimes

I’m excited to read this one. Hopefully, I like it enough to get the next book which was just released this week.

Well, that’s it for me this week. What books did you add to your shelves?

5 thoughts on “Stacking The shelves #12

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