Harry Potter Spells Book Tag

HP Spells Book Tag

Thank you so much for the tag Reese! And thank you Credit to the creators of this challenge:
Kimberly Faye Reads and BookNerd Betsy


1. An upcoming release you wish you could get your hands on right now.


I am loving Cat Winter’s books so far, and I immediately loved everything this book promises. So ready to read it.

2 - Alohomora

2. Favorite Series Starter


I love everything about this series so far (2 books), but this one made me fall head over heels in love.

3 - Cheering Charm

3. A book that gave you all the warm fuzzies.


This is my favorite YA contemporary read for this year. Oliver and Maddie are just too cute for words. Love everything about this one!

4 - Aguamenti

4. A book that made you ugly cry.


I cried the ugly cry with this one. Amy Harmon is a great writer and totally made me lose my mind. The follow up to this one did me in as well. Shame on you Harmon!

5 - Expecto Patronum

5. Bookish hero or heroine you want around to protect you in real life.


Kate Daniels is bad ass. Nothing else needed to say.

6 - Lumos

6. A book you intentionally spoiled for yourself.


After reading the first two, I just happened to be on Tumblr and was spoiled with the last book. I still read it, despite knowing the outcome.

7 - Imperio

7. A book you wish you could make everyone read because you loved it so much.


This is my all-time favorite book, so of course I want everyone to read it.

8 - Engorgio

8. A book or series you wish never ended.


Yeah, I was totally not ready to end my love affair with Raffe. I’m hoping for a spin-off.

9 - Wingardium Leviosa

9. A book with an uplifting ending or message.


Power packed into 180 pages. I did the ugly cry here as well, but if this book doesn’t make people more aware of depressed kids, I don’t know what will. Parents and teachers need to pay attention. Especially, school counselors.

10 - Obliviate

10. A book you wish you could forget you ever read.


I wish that I could wipe this one from my mind. No one wants to know how wet a character is. I’m tired of these ripoffs. Same tropes, different stories.

11 - Anapneo

11. An author whose books always get you out of a slump.


Eric Jerome Dickey can pull me out of a reading slump like no other. He’s a very talented writer of many genres. His books always keep me engrossed.

12 - Jelly-Legs Jinx

12. A swoon-worthy hero or heroine.


Tamlin is yummy. I didn’t like this book very much, but I can’t deny Tamlin. Beast!

13 - Aresto Momentum

13. A book that caused you to stop doing all other things until you finished it.


Once I got a whiff of Gideon Cross, there was no stopping until the end.

14 - Crucio

14. A book that was painful to read (for whatever reason) or broke you.


It was very hard reading this book. The atrocities that have happened throughout history will make even the toughest person have a hard time reading this.

15 - Rictumsempra

15. A book that had you laughing out loud.


This book (it’s sequel too) is downright hilarious. Ellie is quite the character.

16 - Expelliarmus

16. A book that made you want to send it (or your e-reader) flying.


Seriously, the MC was so dumb throughout the entire book. I can’t even begin to read the others, even though everyone says they get better.

17 - Portus

17. Bookish world you wish you could visit.


One of my favorite worlds ever. The closest I’ve come is the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios. That ride was awesome!

18 - Stupefy

18. A book with a shocking twist or ending.


The twist is so shocking, that you will question your own sanity.

19 - Avada Kedavra

19. A character death that destroyed you.


After I got over my initial shock, I accepted it all. Surely Veronica had a purpose for breaking my heart, right? Right? Then again, we can’t always have a HEA.

20 - Finite Incantatem

20. Best series conclusion.


Really loved this series end. I love the spin-off, The Infernal Devices, and looking forward to The Dark Artifices next year.

Whew that was harder than I thought. Okay now it’s time for me to tag two more bloggers to spend some time with Harry:

Olivia from Olivia’s Catastrophe


Keionda from Keionda Hearts Books

7 thoughts on “Harry Potter Spells Book Tag

  1. WOOHOO! Thanks for the tag boo! ❤ I can't wait to get to it! As for a book that has made me UGLY CRY? Ehh… Idk… I'm not all that sure a book has actually made me cry before? I mean, books have given me THOSE FEELS, but never to the point to where I've cried. 😉 HARRY POTTER IS THE BEST and this tag is just so completely glorious! I LURVED IT! ❤


  2. Thanks so much for the tag! It might take me a while to get to it at this rate, but I will be doing it :3 I have read four of the books mentioned and loved all of their mentions! Made You Up had such surprising twists in it. I actually liked the death in Allegiant – I just didn’t like the book as a whole much or how they handled things after the death DD: But kudos to Veronica Roth for being so brave and bold, including it like that!


    • I can’t believe I actually had time to post.Yeah, I hate that Veronica killed one of my favs, but I looked at the bigger picture. I didn’t harass her like some readers did though. I still gave it a great rating.

      Liked by 1 person

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