The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury

21936988Published: February 24th 2015 By: Scholastic Press

Genres: Young-Adult, Fantasy, Romance

Format: Kindle Source: Purchased My Rating: 2.5 Stars

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I am the perfect weapon.
I kill with a single touch.
Twylla is blessed. The Gods have chosen her to marry a prince, and rule the kingdom. But the favour of the Gods has it’s price. A deadly poison infuses her skin. Those who anger the queen must die under Twylla’s fatal touch.

Only Lief, an outspoken new guard, can see past Twylla’s chilling role to the girls she truly is.

Yet in a court as dangerous and the queen’s, some truths should not be told…


Quick and to the point…………

I’m not sure where to begin with this. I think that this story could have been epic, had it been told with more reverence. This was like a made-up bedtime story for a child. It was so outlandish! A queen who is evil. A girl who wanted more, but like all naïve teenage girls, she fell in love with a liar. She was used by both the Queen and Lief. The story of the God and Goddess holds no weight.

Then, I started to like bits and pieces of it. Prince Merek, while he seemed like an ass at first meet, he really was the only one paying attention to everything around him. He knew his mother was full of it. His stepfather, the King, was also a great character who got caught up in the Queen’s clutches. And the whole incest thing is too much. Like why? Why would you want to keep the bloodline pure by having siblings and cousins marrying each other and procreating? And if it was to remain pure, why is Twylla betrothed to the Prince? She’s not in the family. And the ending was so rushed that I could barely keep up.

I’m used to fantasy that has world building, customs, and characters fleshed out. For this to be dealing with royalty and the people, it sure is washed over. Nothing made sense, and what little that was plausible – still doesn’t make up for the world as a whole. Pretending to use a girl as a weapon, when it was truly uncalled for. She left her home, her little sister, because she thought she would be living the high life. How wrong was she. Then, there’s the Sleeping Prince. I’m not even gonna read the next book because I honestly don’t think that it will be better. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’ll take my chances.

This just isn’t my cup of tea. This book may appeal to some readers, so don’t take my word for it. I’m seriously at a loss right now.


20 thoughts on “The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury

  1. Meh, probably not for me. I watched this old, weird movie called the Sin Eater a long time ago and it freaked me out, so the words Sin Eater leave a bad taste in my mouth.


  2. Ugh. Well that’s just too bad girl! When I saw that you are reading this book and I had just did a post about this book a week ago, I was like YES! But then I saw that you didn’t like its so… yeah.. Like they say, you can never really judge a book by its cover, you know and although I think the cover is epic, it doesn’t meant the contents of the book are going to be good and that’s just the way it is sometimes. 😦 I hope your next read is better. *Fist pumps for Lux!* ❤


  3. I’ve heard mixed things about this too, which is a shame because the cover is gorgeous and I bought this myself when it came out, since there was a great deal on the ebook. I admit I’m still curious, but I’m definitely not in a hurry to read it.


    • Yes, I got it when it was on sale too. I was so looking forward to this, but it just went all wrong. Maybe Scholastic Press is really for children and young adults, because this is like the 7th or so YA book that I’ve read from them and the writing quality was bad. Like, creative writing (high school, not college) bad.


  4. That’s too bad. This has gotten lost and forgotten on my tbr over time, so I haven’t read it yet. Sounds like it could use some help. lol


  5. Hm, I have heard a lot of mixed things about it. But the people like you and me – who are used to a good fantasy – have been pretty disappointed with this book in general. I don’t think I will ever be reading this one. I just feel like I would find it rushed and not working for me. I am glad there are bits and pieces that were enjoyable enough for you though.


    • It’s written like an inexperienced writer would do. I am not sure if this is the author’s first book, but I think it could have been better. I can only imagine what someone with much more experience in epic fantasy could do with these characters.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. This didn’t work for me either. I couldn’t stand the main character and all her whining. The only part I liked was the Queen because she was certifiably insane lol!! Great review 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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