Stacking the Shelves #80


Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme, hosted by Tynga’s Reviews, that is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves each week; whether they be virtual or physical.

In My Mailbox

Literary Starbucks by Nora Katz & 2 others 

Solemn by Kalisha Buckhanon

The Way Back to You by Michelle Andreani & Mindi Scott

Danger, Sweetheart by MaryJanice Davidson




The Curse of Tenth Grave by Darynda Jones Review to come next week. Didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate it either. I’m just a little bummed that it isn’t a 5 star read for me. I love this series! 

How To Make Out by Brianna Shrum

The Sound of Us by Julie Hammerle

Absolute Brightness by James Lecesne


There are a few library books that I have already read, but I don’t have time to add them all. I know I’ve been somewhat absent around the blogosphere, but I’m just trying to sort out some stuff. Plus, weaning puppies is a full time job. We’ve now switched them to canned food mixed with milk and they are doing pretty well. They just like to play a lot and I’m tired all the time. And on top of that, one of my cats has been MIA for 4 days. 5 if he hasn’t shown up by the time of this post. My boyfriend has been trying to keep my spirits up about it, but I’m worried. I don’t have many neighbors, as I live outside the city, but I had to go knock on some doors so that they could be watching out or to check their garages and sheds. He could be dead somewhere and I’m freaking out. I have been drowning in books. That’s about all I can do to keep my mind off negative thoughts. Anyway, that’s all for me these past couple of weeks. Have you read any of these? Leave me links to your STS, and have a great long weekend! I’m just ready for some great BBQ on Monday. 

31 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #80

  1. Oh no!! I really hope that your cat shows up, that makes me so sad to hear Lekeisha, I’m sending you guys positive thoughts on that. I haven’t heard about these books, but I hope you enjoy them and you have a better week ahead!


  2. I’m bummed to hear about the newest Charley Davidson not knocking your socks off. The last one wasn’t a complete win for me either. Sorry to hear about your cat! It’s heartbreaking when you lose them! I’ve lost a couple to coyotes over the years and that was terrible! Have a wonderful rest of the holiday weekend and enjoy your BBQ on Monday! 🙂


  3. Oh, Lekeisha, I do hope you find your kittie soon, I am so sorry about the worry and stress you are going through. I hope you are able to get some rest as well.

    Wonderful list, I look forward to your reviews and adding some to my lists based on that 🙂


  4. I’m really sorry to hear about your missing kitty. I hope he turns up soon. I can’t imagine how stressful that is for you. I’m happy at least the dogs are doing okay. Hopefully, you can get some rest soon, because you sound exhausted!
    I’m very curious about How to Make Out! I’ll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts about that one especially.
    I hope this coming week is better for you.
    Take care!


  5. I have been largely absent as well. I was stressed out about it and then had a moment when I realized that my online life needs to be fun or I shouldn’t bother with it. I am trying to do what I can when I can and not get worried about it.

    You really have a lot going on. I hope that your kitty has been found safe and sound. I would be out of my mind. I have three dogs with two of them being under a year old. Our 7 month old puppy is really taking up a ton of my time. She is cute but exhausting. I can’t even imagine weaning puppies.

    Great haul this week! You read The Curse of the Tenth Grave quickly. I thought of you when I noticed that one on NetGalley. I still need to read that series. Have a great week!

    Carole @ Carole’s Random Life


    • I’m too stressed, that’s my problem. I told myself that I would stop and evaluate any and everything that happens this year on out. I need to start saying no to a lot of things, but then I feel bad about whatever it is so I give in. I’ve been thinking of having my cousin be my co-blogger because if I don’t get one, this blog will be no more by the end of the year. Especially if I end up moving to another state for a job. I’ll figure it out.


  6. It’s okay to be not too present when you have so much going on. I hope your cat comes back soon though :/ It can’t be easy knowing that they are out there somewhere. I’m sure they’ll come back soon. And being a mother to a lot of puppies sounds fun but just as exhausting as it can be with kids! I really liked Never, Never by Brianna Shrum which is why I had to get her book as well this month!


  7. I hope your cat will show up, Lekeisha! It must be both worrisome and very stressful to not know where he is 😦
    Your new books look great! I kind of wanted the Darynda Jones one, but I’m not up to date on the series, plus I have so many other books I should read, I was a very good girl last week 🙂
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading.


  8. I hope you find your cat. I would be devastated if I couldn’t find Bianca (my cat). Sending positive thoughts your way.


  9. Oh, Lekeisha, I don’t blame you for being worried and frazzled. I love my cat like family and I would want him home and safe. Glad the puppies are moving on toward weaning for you.
    Looks like you got a nice stack of books. Bummer about 10th Grave, but I still can’t wait for my turn to read it.


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