Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella

23305614Published: June 9th 2015 by: Delacorte BFYR

Genres: YA, Contemporary, Mental Health

Format: Paperback Source: Won

My Rating: 4 Stars


An anxiety disorder disrupts fourteen-year-old Audrey’s daily life. She has been making slow but steady progress with Dr. Sarah, but when Audrey meets Linus, her brother’s gaming teammate, she is energized. She connects with him. Audrey can talk through her fears with Linus in a way she’s never been able to do with anyone before. As their friendship deepens and her recovery gains momentum, a sweet romantic connection develops, one that helps not just Audrey but also her entire family.



Finding Audrey is a very quick, witty read. Even with mental illness heading this story, there was such positive humor, and it really made the story no less important than one without humor. I really connected with Audrey, and I love her family; especially her mom. Kinsella blends mental illness with family drama and romance, and I flew through it without a problem. Being sensitive to mental illness myself, I really appreciate the direction the author took in Audrey’s case. Everyone deals with anxiety and panic attacks differently. The thing is to find  someone who can help you understand why you feel what you feel, and why your brain reacts. I love Audrey’s relationship with her therapist. Even when Audrey thought there was no point to some of the things her therapist suggested, she was open to it.  

I couldn’t stop laughing at her mom’s rants about her brother being addicted to computer games. Suggesting that he find some other use for his time; such as running. Well, that turned out not as her mom planned and It was moments like that, that made me really keep reading because I truly was thinking that this may be one of those reads that make you cry. The day-to-day life of Audrey’s family throughout made it an even quicker read. I like the way it all played out. Now, the romance was really cute and it was central to Audrey’s recovery. Not really a fan of the way Audrey seemed to gravitate towards Linus when he was over, but I guess the author wanted him to be a huge part of her recovery. He encouraged her and she grew confident over time, so I really like him as a character.

Overall, I liked this book very much and I’m sure it won’t be my last read by this author. I recommend this one to those who want a heartwarming story of a girl lost, but she finds her way through. This isn’t a heavy read for it to have such a HEAVY topic, but it is no less important. I’ve read my share of mental health related stories, and I can count this as one of the more lighter ones that I’ve enjoyed. Definitely recommend!



28 thoughts on “Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella

  1. I’m a very emotional and quite sensitive person, especially when it comes to topics like this book has. I appreciate that this one is a fun and light one, I can’t wait to pick this up. Great review! 😀


  2. Quick and witty, that is great! I ended up with several copies of this book from the publisher, clearly a sign that I should read it. Tbh I didn’t know much about it, but I like that there is humor in the book. I’m not a huge fan of heavy contemporary novels! I think I’ll hold on to at least one of the copies and give the book a shot (especially if Nick also liked the book, which I see in the comments!). 😀

    Great review, Lekeisha! So glad you enjoyed this book. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


  3. I glanced at this one and it looked good, but your review has given me that extra push to give it a go. I like a lighter blend with the serious topic and your mention of the family dynamics sounds great.


  4. Great review! I’ve been curious about this since I’ve liked earlier works by this author (her adult stuff) so glad that this one was good, too and that you liked it!!


  5. This goes without saying that I LOVE, LOVE, LOOVVEE books that center on family because not many of them do, they’re all mostly about saving the world, and worrying about whose boyfriend sleep with who… maybe that was kind of TOTALLY deep, but anyway, I just wanted to add that I liked how this book talked the topic of mental illnesses because mAN, so many people go t through this type of thing everyday and we don’t even know it!

    Awesome review as always, chica! ❤


  6. I have this one on my kindle and it sounds like such a cute light hearted read that I just want to try it for myself. I am glad that the illness is portrayed well, but it still has some of the usual Kinsella humor that always adds to a novel and makes it fun too!


  7. I got a copy of this from the publisher when it came out, and even though it’s a little outside my blog’s sci-fi and fantasy sphere, I kept it because it’s Sophie Kinsella and I’ve enjoyed her stuff in the past. Figured I’d read this on my own time one of these days, now I’m really glad I made the decision because it sounds great!


  8. Wonderful review. This sounds good although different from the usual Kinsella kind of books like the Shopaholics series. I will definitely be on the lookout for this one.


  9. I’m so pleased to see you liked this one, Lekeisha. I loved the humor in this one too. And I adored the mother and brother as well. They were so funny and totally made the book for me.
    Lovely review, Lekeisha!


  10. This book has been sitting on my bookshelves for far too long 😂😂I must start it and your review is reminding me of how awesome this book would be😁-Trang


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