Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet by Darynda Jones

13538992Published: October 30th, 2012 

by: St. Martin’s Press

Series: Charley Davidson #4  

Genres: Adult-Fiction, Paranormal-Romance, Urban-Fantasy

Format: ebook 

Source: Library

My Rating: 3.5 Stars

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Welcome to the world of grim reaper extraordinaire Charley Davidson. Try as she might, there’s no avoiding her destiny.

Sometimes being the grim reaper really is, well, grim. And since Charley’s last case went so awry, she has taken a couple of months off to wallow in the wonders of self-pity. But when a woman shows up on her doorstep convinced someone is trying to kill her, Charley has to force herself to rise above…or at least get dressed. It becomes clear something is amiss when everyone the woman knows swears she’s insane. But the more they refute the woman’s story, the more Charley believes it.

In the meantime, the sexy, sultry son of Satan, Reyes Farrow, is out of prison and out of Charley’s life, as per her wishes and several perfectly timed death threats. But his absence has put a serious crimp in her sex life. While there are other things to consider, like the fact that the city of Albuquerque has been taken hostage by an arsonist, Charley is having a difficult time staying away. Especially when it looks like Reyes may be involved.

Just when life was returning to normal, Charley is thrust back into the world of crime, punishment, and the devil in blue jeans in this hilarious fourth installment in the New York Times bestselling series.

My Thoughts

3-5-stars (1)

I still love this series very much. This installment, however, went a little downhill. It wasn’t as exciting in the beginning. To be honest, I didn’t really start liking it until around 70%. Charley has a tendency to go from 0 to 100, real quick. I love that she didn’t stay down for long, after her traumatic experience in the last book. I actually felt sorry for her. It was so unlike her to let anything knock her off her game. Well, I guess too many brushes with death will do that to anyone. Plus, Reyes was just an epic a-hole in the last book, so she had every right to sit on her sofa and order from the shopping channel all day. Reminds me of when I took a 3 month extended leave from work, after my mom died. I refused to leave the house, I was so depressed. Amazon put a big dent in my bank account that year. Thank God my boyfriend and siblings got me some help. I love that Cookie is always there for Charley. Well, Uncle Bob and her sister were huge helps as well.

PTSD aside, Charley got back to doing what she loves; investigating unusual cases and almost getting killed. AGAIN. This was one of the more funnier cases. Who knew that old woman had it in her? I totally laughed when she got the best of Charley. And, we can’t forget what Garrett went through in the last book. Holy crap, the bomb he dropped here! Just to be clear, I’ve already read up to book 7, so I know how he got there and why. But…holy crap! He’s still hot as ever, and he and Charley bicker like two old friends. Reyes Farrow, you handsome devil. I’m not sure what else there is to say about him. I truly hope that I survive this series, because if it doesn’t end with some sort of HEA, I’ll flip out. Please don’t break my heart Darynda. 

Again, this wasn’t my favorite book, but I still love it. I just can’t recommend this series enough. To EVERYBODY. This is that “forbidden love” that you can’t help but cheer on. Charley and Reyes are the definition of that phrase. How can they not be? The grim reaper and the son of Satan should not even be in the same sentence with the word love. If you want something different in your PNR, this series is the way to go. Our Charley is finally seeing what she is capable of, and she’s actually more human here. She is vulnerable, and a little eccentric, but that’s just her character. I’ve actually started to laugh at her little quips. I highly recommend this series!


Also in this series: First Grave on the Right | Second Grave on the Left | Third Grave Dead Ahead

24 thoughts on “Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet by Darynda Jones

  1. Sorry this book in the series wasn’t as good as the others for you. I jer seeing how good this series is though so I just bought the first one! Hopefully I will get to read it soon. 😀


  2. I had the same problem here as well. It was for me my least favourite of the series. It wasn’t quite up the standards of Charley and Reyes. More of a filler book if I’m honest. But I promise you it does get better.


  3. It seems like it took a while for things to get exciting and kick into this book, but when it did, it continued to be great and is still worth the read. And even if things weren’t exciting, it does seem like they realistic because you could relate to them. I’m sorry to hear about what you went through when your mother passed, Lekeisha. 😦 But it is good that you had family around to help pull you through it.


  4. I’m glad to see that this series is going strong for you Lekeisha! I’ve heard so many great things about this series, but still haven’t got around to giving it a go, I really need to rectify this immediately! Great review! 🙂


  5. I haven’t got this far in the series, but I see how this can be very up and down. I find myself totally annoyed and irritated and then 5 minutes later loving it. And that’s just with the first two books. So we’ll see what I think!


  6. I read I think the 8th book because I had gotten it for review–nothing before that. AND I liked it. I think it’s going to be one of those books I just read to have fun with–nothing I’m aiming to go crazy over.

    Sidenote: I just peeped your sidebar. YOU ARE AT 39 BOOKS FOR THE YEAR ALREADY!

    I am not worthy.


  7. Oh yeah, I remember this one. I felt so guilty cracking up at her bouts of home shopping through her depression. This was the book that made her a character with some depth for me. I liked her before, but I connected better when I saw her vulnerable, too. I actually found that many of these books were a mixture of love and frustration for me, but I’m addicted no doubt.


  8. You’re definitely more patient than I am… I DNF way before I get to 70% if I’m not enjoying it. Better luck with the next one!!


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